With wedding season just around the corner, I wanted to share my tips for how to build relationships with venues! It’s quite a process, so let’s start with…

Review your list of venues for this year.

I recommend taking one night to do this. Go through the list of venues you’ve booked this year, and visit every single website of theirs! Take notes of what you see they’re missing — is it an updated gallery, or a video tour?

While you’re on their website, look for their email address! Not sure what to include in the email? Well, here’s what I recommend:

What to Send in the Email to Build Relationships with Venues

Mention what you see they’re missing and that they could benefit from. For example, are they missing an updated gallery? Or maybe a video tour? Next, tell them the date you’ll be there, and how excited you are to build a connect and build a relationship with them! Last, offer your work and pitch yourself! Ask if whatever you see missing is something they’d like you to provide for them! Make sure you include your website so they can see your work too.

Create a Collaborative Environment on the Wedding Day

Remember you’re a team on the big day, so do your best to work well together! Offer your opinion when necessary, and help problem solve anything that may come up. Make sure you greet them when you arrive. Greet them when you leave too! Let them know you’ll tag them on your social media and blog when you post your work. The goal is to build a genuine connection and relationship with these venues!

Looking for more tips? Stay tuned for when I share more blog posts for vendors like yourself! I also offer 1:1 mentorship calls on a limited basis – so check in on my Instagram to keep an eye out on those!

For now, you can check out all my Reels on the ‘gram 😎

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